Regional weigh in satellite locations
Date and time
Friday 2-14-25
Standish-Sterling Central Elementary
3789 Wyatt Rd Standish, Mi. 48658
(Enter from main lot follow signs to cafeteria)
Traverse City West
Traverse City West Middle School wrestling room
3950 silver lake Dr Traverse City mi 49684
(Do not go in main entrance go to entrance east of main entrance athletics. Weigh in in balcony to left inside entrance)
Ogemaw Heights High School
960 M-33 West branch, MI 48661
Freeland elementary school in the cafeteria
710 Powley Dr Freeland mi, 48623
5175 E Remus Rd, Mt Pleasant, MI 48858.
(We will use the north entrance, and the weigh ins will be upstairs)
Cadillac High School
500 Chestnut St. Cadillac, MI 49601
702 lake street roscommon mi 48653
States weigh in satellite weigh in locations will be determined week 6
Date and time
Saturday 2-22-25
All contestants will weigh in wearing a singlet or shorts AND a tee shirt.
Skin and nail checks are to be done at same time as weigh ins. Please have the correct MHSAA skin condition form if there is a skin issue.